Batch Document

Batch Document

A batch document contains a response code and document for each request that was sent in the POST body. Responses are returned in the same order that the requests were made in the POST body.

Sample entity document. Shown in JSON format.

    "code": 200,
    "document": {
      "person": {
        "id": "5a5a5a5a00d1259d57e2097710dba53c20a26e7db6",
        "abilitec": {
          "consumerLink": "003YUS02XKRLMYCQ"
        "postalContact": [
            "firstName": "MARY",
            "lastName": "ROBBINSON",
            "primaryNumber": "3333",
            "street": "FINLEY",
            "streetSuffix": "RD",
            "city": "DOWNERS GROVE",
            "state": "IL",
            "zipCode": "60515",
            "zipExtension": "1126"
        "phoneContact": [
            "firstName": "MARY",
            "lastName": "ROBINSON",
            "phone": "5015550110"
        "emailContact": [
            "firstName": "MARY",
            "lastName": "ROBINSON",
            "email": "MARYROBIN2TEST@ACXIOM.COM"
            "firstName": "MARY",
            "lastName": "ROBBINSON",
            "email": "MARYROBIN1TEST@ACXIOM.COM"
        "basicDemographics": {
          "age": 60,
          "consumerProminenceIndicator": "Large marketing footprint",
          "education": "Graduate School",
          "gender": "Female",
          "lengthOfResidence": 7,
          "maritalStatus": "Married",
          "occupation": "Professional",
          "ownerRenter": "Owner"
        "personicxLifestage": {
          "lifestageCluster": "17",
          "lifestageGroup": "12B"
    "code": 200,
    "document": {
      "person": {
        "id": "5a5a5a5a001789ce29dd8a696609507aacda002c17",
        "abilitec": {
          "addressLink": "003YUS03LS512YQ1"
        "postalAddress": {
          "primaryNumber": "822",
          "street": "AIRPARK CENTER",
          "streetSuffix": "DR",
          "city": "NASHVILLE",
          "state": "TN",
          "zipCode": "37217",
          "zipExtension": "2942"
        "geoCodes": {
          "blockCode": "1037",
          "blockGroupCode": "1",
          "countryCode": "US",
          "countryName": "UNITED STATES",
          "countyName": "DAVIDSON",
          "fipsCountyCode": "037",
          "fipsStateCode": "47",
          "latitude": 36.0984147904,
          "longitude": -86.678865498,
          "matchLevel": "Point",
          "placeCode": "52006",
          "placeName": "NASHVILLE",
          "street": "AIRPARK CENTER DR",
          "tractCode": "980100",
          "zipCode": "37217"
        "propertyDescription": {
          "exterior": "Aluminum vinyl",
          "heatSource": "Steam",
          "heatingCooling": "Heating and cooling",
          "homeSquareFootage": 1386,
          "lotSquareFootage": 1672,
          "parcelNumber": "0902232172",
          "propertyType": "Single family residential",
          "propertyTypeDetail": "Condo",
          "roofType": "Composite",
          "yearBuilt": "2000"
    "code": 404,
    "document": {
      "error": {
        "message": "No document associated with [d864b597fa4a4f52824cb6066be4348e] exists in repository.",
        "code": "600-0030",
        "requestId": "UDSf84e98a385d34858bf511dbdb9e0b7e6"
    "code": 200,
    "document": {
      "entity": {
        "id": "5a5a5a5a00831c44eaa14d278a54e396b9876af080",
        "personIds": [
        "placeId": "5a5a5a5a00f3c1e266b1ed36185b4da43f0c98862e"

NOTE: Sample documents include sample ids and content, and may not include all possible data attributes. This is for illustration purposes only.