Residency Document

Residency Document

A residency document represents a person or household at a place/address (e.g., what's the pool size or home market value or phone number that are more tied to an address for a household) and contains information about the person while at that place. The residency ID is a combination of a Household ID and a Place ID.

Sample place documents. Shown in JSON format.

  "residency": {
    "id": "02KV00US00370oUyHvd2FUUxd5Ha0zspbFIEVy",
    "placeId": "02KV00US00S5S52b2VPuVUyFBu-ti8dx-q0_w-",
    "householdId": "02KV00US00yJPma9pZLkeKwZrTa0caKnmt4WS9",
    "coreDemographics": {
      "ownerRenter": "O",
      "lengthOfResidence": {
        "upTo14Years": "13",
        "upTo14YearsWithHHInferred": "13"
      "ownerRenterWithHHInferred": "O"
    "coreDemographicsFullCoverage": {
      "ownerRenter": {
        "withHHZipZip4Inferred": "O",
        "precisionLevel": "3"
      "lengthOfResidence": {
        "upTo14Years": {
          "withHHZipZip4Inferred": "13",
          "precisionLevel": "3"
    "metadata": {
      "version": 11,
      "createDate": "2019-09-24T08:50:15-0500",
      "updateDate": "2020-07-25T10:36:19-0500"
    "matchMetadata": {
      "matchComponents": [
      "distinctMatch": true,
      "matchConfidence": "1",
      "nameMatchIntegrity": "complete"

NOTE: Sample documents include sample ids and content, and may not include all possible data attributes. This is for illustration purposes only.